Une Mélodie

Release date
Classical Modern
Is it a waltz? I dont know.
Tips For Tuning Your Double Bass http://www.connollymusic.com/stringovation/double-bass-tuning-tips @revellstrings

Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.8 MB
Downloaded / played
68 times
9 times
10 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
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  • I really like this!! Sounds a lot like a movie soundtrack (a french "nouvelle vague" movie ?). 
    Wonderful orchestration. What did you use as instruments here ? 
    All sounds fits perfectly and I enjoyed the piano, the plucked strings and the dicrete percussion. 10!!
  • thank you very much.  Yes, it  reminds somehow a bit to film music. I like the French film indeed!

    Here are the instruments:
    Organ: Rumpelrausch AZR3
    Bassdrum: HD MonsterKick (!)
    Percussion: Sonatina Percussion
    Harp: Sonantina
    Double Bass: Sonatina
    Piano: Keyzone classic (with "tonespace" C-minor chords)

    The Keyzone pinao is really great, the best I found yet. 4 different sets. You will like the epinao inside.
    This time I used some delay for filling the percussion and the Harp.
    I rediscovered the sonatina instruments. Although the quality of double bass is a bit low, it is well balanced. I will try the Sforzando double bass here later instead, which sounds awesome, but is bit unbalanced.
  • As double bass I recommend you the Abas yamaha soundfont (in Jeskola XS-1 it's great)  : 
    I have the sonatina stuff and there is some very cool instruments in it
    Was the Iggy Pop (great) song your inspiration ? I like a lot Goran Bregovic (My family cames from ex-yugoslavia).
  • oh, I have just learned something new, great! Dindn't know that XS1 is a soundfontplayer. The sound of the Abas is amzing, the file is so small! Will try it.
    XS1 accepts sf2 only. Is there a jeskola machine for sf1 also? For this:
    (use the Plogue player/Sfozando)
    Well, the Iggy Pop song must have been a kind of Inspiration, I associated it while writing you the message. I like some Polka-like, Klezmer , Reggae... also, huhh but I don't listen to it often  nowadays.
  • Nice piece. Is it ment to end that way? 
  • @siverbonetone
    well, I wanted to loop it. its the second rendering/loop. Unfortunately you prpbablya gap.
  • ... you probably hear a gap...