Happy Faces

Release date
Hi All,

Shytan put something up for me in the new section (thanks shytan) where we ask you to vote for me on a music competition. It takes less than 30 seconds and I hope you will support me in this. I have included the track here (a 1 minute compeition demo song)

It would mean a great deal to me to get your votes! And as always I hope you keep enjoying the music i keep posting here on buzzmachines.

You can vote on this url:


Scroll down to the radio buttons until you see

o Cube3's Entry

Click on the radio button and then on "Vote"

Thanks for your support peepz

Sjef van Leeuwen

Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.3 MB
Downloaded / played
628 times
13 times
10 (2 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

See also
Latest dance/techno tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Lizard
    Wow, close poll... whish you and vaisnava good luck!
  • Thank you lizard
  • Happy faces rocks sjef! I like Viasnava's too but your song has some real soul to it.
  • I went ahead and listened to all the entries and now I can honestly say yours was the best. Your song stands on top as the most pro production yet not over the top and obnoxious as some of the other entries.
  • I went ahead and listened to all the entries and now I can honestly say yours was the best. Your song stands on top as the most pro production yet not over the top and obnoxious as some of the other entries.
  • vaisnava
    come on everyone, help vote for his track. let buzzmusic represent!
  • buzztler
    voted yesterday evening, but how about answering some of the questions 'bout your songs one day ?
  • flos
    Voted me too, heck, I'd love to hear an extended version of this.
  • great song - voted on that blog thingy
  • I voted but we still haven't got enough votes! Buzzers! VOTE! Sweet track, Sjef.
  • flos
    How about posting a topic in buzzchurch???
  • svanleeuwen
    Thank you for your support all, I appreciated it very much. The poll officially is closed now, and I turned out second. Thanks to you it was a close call.
  • flos
    It's really a pity, but you know how this kind of stuff works... anyway hail to Sjef the Master!