Our Obdurate Past

Release date
This is version 4 of this track.
It took me three days to get this far and it's still not finished. It's messing with my head.
This track is heavily being inspired by Empires a Half Life 2 modification.
I hope you like it.
Please leave a message so my mind can shut up for a few hours.

The BuzzMusic upload has been downgraded to 96kbps.
320kbps version can be downloaded here:http://www.anicator.com/gallery/music/OurObduratePast_v4_cut.mp3
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.4 MB
Downloaded / played
1001 times
8 times
9 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest classical tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • [anonymous]
    i once played empires. i remember hearing the last part being played in the menu. but that's a different track if i remember well. cool track. i wonder why no-one has posted a comment yet or rated it. maybe the pros haven't listened to it yet. :P
  • I was already getting desperate. Thanks for posting a comment. The track is inspired by Alliance which is the track that plays when you started up Empires. You can listen to the original track that inspired me to make a few more Empires tracks if you have the modification. It's located in '/sound/ui/gamestartup1.mp3'
  • Great theme! I really like how the many instruments work togehter! btw: I always find your themes very good, however for me there's always missing a melodic and/or a harmonic change. That's the big critic point I could acutally always say ... you could buy yourself a textbook about writing music or about harmonics. Compliments to your choice of instruments. They sound really clear and it's good that you don't use so much reverb anymore!
  • What's wrong with the melody? I know the trumpets can sound a bit too repetitive but still. Is it really ruining the experience. If it is I'll make some variation patterns so it'll sound a lot better.
  • flos
    I am in the mood to listen to some dramatic epic score, nice shot!!! The most important thing is the theme, and it's good, I personally feel a lack of 'bass power', essentially trombones, french horns, cellos, you know...
  • AniCator
    I get your point. Yes, it lacks horns. I've kept them out, I might release another version with some horns. But I'm not sure if I'm going to release another version. I'm quite tired of working on this track at the moment. It was sort of a study on making more varied tracks.
  • flos
    Oh yes, keep up the good work, and keep experimenting!
  • Let the fine sounds blow, buzzer. Sounds pretty good ...