
Release date
A snippet dedicated to this magic group, critics and suggestions for track prosecution are much appreciated.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
3.7 MB
Downloaded / played
632 times
5 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Strong track. Dancey and enjoyable. I like it.
  • Almark
    I like this interesting snappy sounds and the bass and, what is that a vst instrument? Its well mixed too.
  • flos
    Yes, these are vst instrus, the bass comes from TAL Bassline, wonderful machine Drums come straight from a Boss DR-550 MK2.
  • buzztler
    Very cool passages and sounds in this track. Some sound original kraftwerkian and then there is the typical Flos-style with some breaks in it, so that the track is not a easy listening music. So, sounds are very cool and the Tal Bassline indeed is a cool machine. So, perhaps try to make it "more round" and I think you have a real good compo here , but perhaps you prefer a more flossish style ???
  • flos
    Yep, thanx Buzztlah Well you know me... I'll see if I can work it out, but I think I'll get the usual but not so standard flossish-crazy-crowded style... I'll let me inspire this crazy compo hahahaha