Alternate Multiverse

Release date
Techno beats echoed across dimensions, each rhythm a gateway to alternate realities where vibrant cultures and futuristic societies thrived. Dancers moved seamlessly between worlds, transcending boundaries as the pulsating music connected them to the vast tapestry of existence, creating a symphony of cosmic harmony that resonated across the multiverse.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
13.2 MB
Downloaded / played
64 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest techno tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Techno beats echoed across dimensions, each rhythm a gateway to alternate realities where vibrant cultures and futuristic societies thrived. Dancers moved seamlessly between worlds, transcending boundaries as the pulsating music connected them to the vast tapestry of existence, creating a symphony of cosmic harmony that resonated across the multiverse. 
  • some of them landed in Custodian land.  Most of them left right away....but a few.....a rare few....absorbed  the vibrations.....they became the custodians...the custodians of a new sound.  An often poorly mixed sound, but with a vibe that resonated within their minds and carried a signal....a signal with information about the future.  The multiverse was bigger than they knew.  And soon, it would explode with more and more souls.  Infinite lives that were bursting with an energy never seen before now.  It's all happening now