Catching Flies While Watching Intergalaxy Police Chase Smugglers on a Promenade of a Private Space Station

Release date
Louigi Verona
Track 1 from the "Personal Diaries of an Arrant Space Cowboy" EP

All tracks are part of events which in short were these: our hero was relaxing on a private space station when suddenly sensors on his spaceship detected a mysterious Omega Entity. It crossed the galaxy so fast that it intrigued the arrant explorer and he decided to follow it and investigate. He was cruising swiftly, but his way was blocked by an asteroid region. As he cleared it, a group of pirates attacked his vessel. After a short victorious battle our hero landed on a class D planet for repairs and there discovered a queer android colony. Finally, he reached the coordinates of the Omega Entity and had a chance to observe a unique phenomena. Leaving it he felt that many of his questions were left unanswered...
But that's in short. To get to know more about this little adventure listen to the music!

Concept: short tunes, preferably less than 3 minutes, all based on simple chord patterns
Inspiration: Star Trek Voyager
All vocal samples except track 1 are from ST Voyager.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
3.3 MB
Downloaded / played
512 times
9 (2 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution (by)

See also
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  • I guess this track has the longest title/URL from all that have been ever uploaded here. Simple, yet catchy. Damn awesome. Being myself a Star Trek fan, really appreciate this little song.