Dreaming the white cube first try

Release date
Art Song
Another work with a poem written and read by Sackjo22. I wanted the music to be more complex and developped but I lack of free time at the moment.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.6 MB
Downloaded / played
1036 times
6 times
10 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

See also
Latest art song tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • BHS
    Nice, no doubt this is nice. Your style is unmistakable.
  • What a (the f-word) amazing track. I like the damn, cooooool mood and the marvellous combination of Sackjo's voice and your instrumentation and composition. I listened over and over, what might happen if you develop this thing to a further stage??? Probably the same with the "swanker" song? Anyway with a good fading out, imo this one is ready for the charts . What did Sackjo22 say about it??? I didn't want to vote here anymore, but 10 grom me!!!
  • mate77
    Amazing track man! I really dig it! A great piece of art!
  • mag
    thanks all I'd really like to develop it further but I lack of time atm. The voice is very inspiring. Sackjo enjoyed it All tracked in buzz
  • Buzzty
    Well, btw. the track has a nice fade out imo, my last player simply cut it off at the end ...
  • The only thing someone can critisize is, that the track wasn't made by himself.