The nightingale v.04 (mp3)

Release date
A sketch for a tribute to the marvellous creatures which are the birds. Edit track: new version 04 with a new bass line, Kyrie+Infector+sfz. ( I would make a longer version for magmavander, thOke, Shytan, Zaphoid, ....... The best to all.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.3 MB
Downloaded / played
706 times
12 times
9.5 (4 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

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  • magmavander
    Great atmosphere. Yeah, really Birdy Too short!
  • Thanks magmavander ! , i'll continue to work, to deepen the bassline as well as the drum and to add some additional chords.
  • Yeah, great improvement. Excellent sounding, clean and clear, large and wide. I would like to hear a bit more the bass. Very original!
  • Thanks for your rating and your construtive feedback, I will take it into account for the next version.
  • ohhhHHH .... how did i miss this fine piece of percussive extravaganza ?! These birds got rhythm ... nice peace- and playful snippet. MV is right - more bass and longer, please !
  • Thanks thOke for your feedback ! I am currently rather busy but I will take your comment into account too.
  • Oh! That's solid! Magical blend of sounds. Givin' 9.5 for that one.
  • Thanks Shytan for your rating ! your comment pleases to me .The best to all .
  • This song is like a Tropical Paradise! Your creative nexus! I give you a 10 for originality and pure Creativity!
  • BTW this sounds like it could be the soundtrack to the monkey Island Series of games I used to play way back. oh and make this longer please
  • Thanks Zaphoid for your generous rating ! and your pleasant comment too, yes you're right, it could be used as soundtrack, why not ?.
  • hi.. very relaxing mood.. like it all the way. regards. X