Snippets Of 06.27.08.blaix (original by blaix)

Release date
Sir Snipper
now with some slower jazzy-ish drums and a little more cheese - for what it's worth
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.8 MB
Downloaded / played
1248 times
12 times
9 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
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  • cool beans, so i take you got your name Snipper, from snipping other peoples mp3s and sampling them. Thats cool. so the added jazz and rework of progression is actually kinda cool... I shall let you live, this time.
  • YEP, that's the idea behind sir snipper - i would really like to see more musical communication going on here. ... but if people don't like uploading their source files, this is another way to do it ! btw: i am using an mp3 hard disc streamer machine with offset from hal dreamer, so i actually don't have to cut the samples.
    i am glad i am still alive (but i removed the other file because i overlooked the 'no derivates' license)
  • [anonymous]
    yeah i see. but i did upload it as a mp3 so ppl wouldnt rip it off. but that is clever. but next time ask. sorry, maybe i am to selfish/protective of my music.
  • Buzzer
    now I would protect all my bmx and mp3 here. (Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives)
  • Sorry, I really can't understand that. I wouldn't look at it as a rip-off but an enrichment . As if i would try to make any kind of profit doing this. (I could always do it silently without publishing the result to 'steal' melodies or rythms or ideas or whatever). It's just for fun, but i have the impression that a lot of people are seriously lacking humor here. Anyway, i will remove all files as soon as the original creator feels offended.
  • blaix
    an enrichment? really? or... deteriorated?
  • Probably just dis- or relocated, another context, which might open other perspectives. Anyway, on the one hand it's always a matter of taste - on the other hand i think it's interesting to hear genre overlaps and infringements. I am always wondering, how conservative even those people are, who claim to produce 'original' music.
  • flos
    I like this experiment! I usually don't post buzz-format music simply because I use vst-s or another sequencer... not to protect

    it or whatever. Ok, probably it's better to ask first, just for education, you know... human being react differently to new situations...
  • Human being
    we are ALL imperfect,...isn't it ?
  • El Che
    viva la révolution ! no sir, no count, no duke !
  • flos
    it's not a matter of perfection for me. is it for you?
  • I agree with flos, about asking. I agree with the lack of musical communication, but I think that posting a stripped down file of your own as an experimental offering would be a more appropriate approach.. I like the idea, I have been considering posting something like that. Just rummaging through picking whatever you want seems less.. err.. polite. Lol. Oh, and concerning reservations about genre mashing.. Everyone has their views, I look at it as what strikes my fancy, rather than what is 'good' or 'bad'.