Qsamo Parabol

Release date
This is just a short loop I created using the new synth Qsamo which was released in version 1231. I just noticed an updated version is available in 1232. There is some automation using peer LFO on the cutoff of Qsamo 1.

The vibrato on this machine is absolutely amazing.

If you want to re-mix or make it longer you are more than welcome to do so.
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
2.8 KB
Downloaded / played
393 times
8 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest trance tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Woow , a new Jeskola synth. Moom (, latest Buzz builds rather unstable with some oldies on my comp.. Needed reconstruction of an oldies.
  • beekeeper
    I've just cheked up. Cool snipped! You can transform it into a cool track! Good synth, as you sayd. It has even a portamento, great, i find it remarkable with huge potential). Two oscilators with four waveforms each one, polyphonic, qualitative filter, oscilators sound combining with chossing of needed, thus it is not overloaded on functions, wow . Unfortunatly I need backtrack to 11xx build.. a lot of machines "missing"
  • tracker
    hi . dear friends . do you have Jeskola Qsamo ? i can't find it !
  • beekeeper
    hi tracker! It contains in a latest Buzz build install, and you can pickup it from there. But may be it works with a new Buzz only, I don`t know.
  • [anonymous]
    Nice test of new buzz features ...
  • very cool
  • I didnt installed the latest build with this new toy... I'll install latest build soon and check your bmx
  • wow this new machine totally escaped my radar. Gotta play with this one soon.