Beyond Shytan-ism

Release date
Well guys - this is my first track made in over a year. Made using a mixture of VST instruments and native Buzz machines I decided to dabble in the Ambientronica genre and have been greatly inspired by probably the greatest buzzmeister himself... as the song title suggests!

Hope you enjoy this and look forward to your ratings and comments.

Au revoir!
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
11.5 MB
Downloaded / played
610 times
3 times
8 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Wow, thanks, man. Really flattered. But I ain't no meister of course he-he. As to the track itself, here's what I liked: 
    - the first (and continuous) synth chords - a really good instrument choice;
    - the repetitiveness of the track, however strange it may sound;
    - solo synth at 02:14
    And some cons:
    - the oriental-like plucked instrument for obvious reasons it just doesn't fit IMO, but considering your taste for detuned sounds, I can assume it was initially intended this way.

    Thanks again for this one, Dave. Really appreciate it.
  • Thanks for your opinions on this Shytan and taking the time to listen. Regarding the 'sampled oriental synth'... This is a 'Vailhee' which is a stringed East African instrument. I had a real 'mare trying to time-stretch it correctly to the tempo of the track as some notes were a fraction out from each other. I agree also that the pitch is slightly off and can understand your criticism of the 'detuned' sound. This was to provide a 'world' element to the track which I thought would enhance the feel - however I appreciate this may not be to everyone's taste. Anyway. thanks for the rating too. --Davey--
  • Cool remix, very chilled, peaceful. Like Shytan, I liked less the plucked instrument not only because it sounds detuned but also its sounding doesn't fits with the colour of the song. But apart from that detail, great song, I enjoyed