Different Realities

Release date
It started with a sound, faint at first—like ice cracking on a deep lake. By the time the clocks hit noon, the sound had become a roar, low and endless, like the Earth itself was groaning. December 21, 2012. People had laughed about it, tossed it around like some cosmic joke. The end of the world? Sure. Right after coffee. But by the time the sky split open, no one was laughing anymore. I was in my studio when the first fissures came. Not cracks in the floor, mind you—fissures in the air, in the very fabric of reality. You could see through them, and what was on the other side wasn’t anything God ever made. Shapes moved there, sluggish and wrong, like shadows cast by something too big to comprehend. The machine was my last-ditch effort. I’d built it from scraps, bits of theory no one believed in but me. It was supposed to open a door to somewhere else, anywhere else. I didn’t have time to test it. I threw the lever, felt the world lurch, and jumped. It was like falling and burning and drowning, all at once. When I woke up, the smell of ozone still in my nose, it was January 9, 2025. Your time. Your world. Everything here looks normal, but I can’t shake the feeling I didn’t escape.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
6.9 MB
Downloaded / played
38 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

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