500kb BMW Contest - Ferrari not allowed.zip

Release date
The 500k BMW Summer Solstice Contest zip album  3 older songs remixed and polished and 3 new songs. Didn’t have very much time but well, I’m quite happy. This album has a REAL BUZZ COLOR
File size
78.9 KB
Downloaded / played
446 times
5 times
9 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest pop tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • A great chillout album! Very good production which showcases the power of buzz in the right hands.
  • I like it very much. The sound of your productions is awesome.

    It would be great if you could add a package of the machines you use. My buzz is standard (I use pVSTi most of the time), and of course I can't open your files ... everything is missing.

    Anyway, congratulations !

  • I completely agree with Xenobioz. But do you remember where you found Majkol Freebase and freebasebeta4? Google only found some index files but not the Dlls and without them I feel like I'm missing a big part of 4 songs. But even without them it still sounds great. +1   
  • The darker side of magmavander. Still very enjoyable broad sounds flavoured with a lot of sea salt and relaxing ingredients - less cheese is more.  la déesse released as bmw.  cool warmth.
  • Thanks a lot!!
    It was a great contest, really. Not very much people but I agree that an album was a bit much Anyway the result is excellent and created in many different ways. All these bmw show the buzz power and its incredible versatility. 
    By the way, I uploaded a package of some 'not easy to find' effects and generators here at buzztunes :