64xMas Buzz - bmx

Release date
Just a test of the Buzzx64 new version by wde. I used the few machines installed with this setup, nothing else added. Did it work good for you ?
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
158.6 KB
Downloaded / played
25 times
7 times
9 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

See also
Latest demo tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Hi Mag.Working very good with my Buzz64.Thank you for bmx
  • Do you have a link for the download?  I'd like to try it out. 
  • Nevermind...I have it.  The sound quality has improved a TON.  I'm still flailing about trying to remember how to adjust things.   VST's are now drag and drop!!!!  Major improvement.  still struggling with switching between editor modes, but I'll figure it out.editing pattern lengths...Gah!  I'm a newb all over again.  But so encouraged by the improvements!!!!!
  • Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I think the rendering of the sounds is the same than before but I am more used with various use of fx and mastering tools. But maybe Oskari improved the sound rendering. I know that Oskari is a Master about quality of sound (check the comparison he made for the great XS1 machine with other samplers).  I will remake the video tutorials of Buzz. I have some old tutorial of Buzz but some are more or less too old. 
  • http://www.jeskola.net/xs1/content/test/
  • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiuYuwjobRPtdVyQMyQJXCw
  • yay, you got it working