
Release date
This i made with the new Buzz2008 (build 1039).
A short simple 303-tune.
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
16.3 KB
Downloaded / played
634 times
24 times
9 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Buzz Lover
    Simple but effective, great shytan-ish overall sound of course !...it should be in next New Buzz Pack 2008
  • [anonymous]
    Build 1040 - Sunday, 07 September 2008 14:05:43 UTC - machines can draw stuff inside pattern boxes. see new version of sinesynth for an example.
  • Great! Another build? On my way downloadin'
  • [anonymous]
    ...with an update of Jeskola Sine Synth.dll of course !...
  • serg
    a bit repetitive but good setup. зер гут. надо тоже посмотреть новый билд, что там за stuff рисуется.
  • Shytan
    10 is too much for this template If no-one votes lower I'll lower it myself @serg: a bit repetitive - только уж очень большой этот bit > что там за stuff рисуется. Я думал как в Aldrin такты будут показываться, но нет. Касается только машины SineSynth - в секвенсере видно уменьшённую копию нарисованной волны, развёрнутую вертикально и всего-то делов
  • serg
    > в секвенсере видно уменьшённую копию нарисованной волны это всего лишь пример, думаю что разработчики теперь могут выводить туда что угодно. > 10 is too much 8 пойдет? или 7 тогда все будет путем 17/2=8.5
  • всеж поставил 8
  • Shytan
  • BHS
    Shytan style is here. Wonderful bass line and global atmosphere. Here is a bit of Scaldor style. Good !!
  • [anonymous]
    Гы. Аукцион наоборот. 10 баллов! Кто меньше ? Сейчас качну, завтра на комп сброшу - послухаю шо там баззмашинсы под шайтанским руководством вытворяют. Может ужо коньяк пятизвездный генерируют или квас :о).. Вон БаззЛовер видимо ужо научил баз сексом занимаццо!
  • Shytan
  • Ну вот, послушал. Можно и сказать чё нить. Tasty, relly tasty . Very original using of 303. One gen sounds like two instruments at the same time. Молодца. Хорошо готовишь товарисч, а мы пожрать вкустно ой как любим O_o!!
  • [anonymous]
    thanks beekeeper for your english in your comment...you're a good man !
  • beekeeper
    i dont need that your thanks anonymous. And your opinion about me - just stay it to yourself . May be you ll feel self better with that Peace!
  • [anonymous]
    perhaps you're a bad boy but you're a great buzzer and you can live in community by considering that everyone don't speak Russian here and it's least courtesy. Peace and Love !
  • beekeeper
    Not im, and my russian speaking comrades have begun "that". In 2003-05 there was some groups that frequently and sometimes absolutely free speaking Deutch, Franch and some other langs (btw, show your nickname, Anonymous. May be you - one of them?). Im still some evil than that was happen! Regrettably my english was really poor to explain my insult them. So i dont feel now any fault to speak some russian there.
  • Admin
    Take it easey, guyz! Let's not quarrel here! In fact the site is made UTF-8 compliant so that other languages could be displayed without problems. There's really nothing to argue about. I know BeeKeeper personally, he's an old friend of mine, so naturally he posted his comment in our mutually native tongue as a sort of PM. If he wished to write something that would be important for other ppl, he'd used English of course (and so he did in fact). Peace!
  • Love this track. Definitely brings to mind the one Scaldor I really like -- Aehnatron (but doesn't ramble on and on like that). Every time I listen, I get a vision of a really cool modern dance thing involving all kinds of "everyday people" ...
  • я думаю, мы должны говорить французском.
  • Définitivement, Jenny! J'étais en train de proposer la même chose, moi
  • mic (le frenchie)
    yeah cool jenny ! parlons français maintenant, je pourrais ainsi mieux préciser et nuancer ma pensée dans mes futures commentaires, ajouter quelques subtilités, user de la rhétorique ou de quelques images méthaphoriques par exemple,...ouais ! ça serait vraiment chouette ! enfin ! enfin ! je serais libéré de cette emprise mondiale de cette putain langue anglaise, de cette merdique langue si pauvre, si matérialiste, si prosaïque !...oui, parlons français ! et nos commentaires seront beaucoup plus spirituels ! ils auront beaucoup plus de profondeur ! c'mon boyz and girlz !!
  • sashthoulmilt