
Online player for MP3 and OGG files

A jPlayer-powered online player has been added to the site (look for the  icon on the tune's description page). The player is known to be HTML5-ready, so it's supposed to handle MP3 and OGG files equally on modern browsers (there's a Flash fallback for older software like Firefox3, IE8 etc). 

However, if your browser doesn't come with support for a specific format, chances are you won't hear a thing In my case, for example, Chromium was able to play OGG, but not MP3 (quick fix described here). Firefox, Opera and Safari, on the contrary, handled MP3's pretty smoothly, but remained silent when offered an OGG. Too bad, MP3 wins again... Only Google Chrome proved to play both formats without any special tweaking.

The player is being tested, so please report any bugs (stating browser/OS versions). Suggestions and ideas will also be appreciated. Mail me or just leave comments here. Thanks. 

Submitted by Shytan


  • WinXP, Opera 11.10. mp3 - yes, ogg - no. странно но флеш плугин всераво потребовал, пришлось ставить.
  • ты еще и смайлики добавил
  • It's awesome! Thanks. I'm running on Chrome so I can't really test anything. It works fine here.
  • Small suggestion. Maybe you should replace the Download button with the Listen button or have both of them on the search and music pages.
  • Hmm. Good point. I'll consider that. Thanks.
  • BHS
    And also this player is a very good idea.
  • Updated: the "downloaded" counter will now also include how many times the tune has been played online. Since the online audition is basically the same thing except for the fact that the file is cached by the player elsewhere in its tmp folder, I guess that will count for a valid download. Perhaps renaming "downloads" to "hits" would be more correct here?..

    Also removed (I hope so) the progress bar stuttering bug and added total play time / elapsed time.