BuzzTunes has been moved to a new server
Hello, buzzers! The site was offline for a while, sorry for that. Now running on a brand-new server. The disk space is virtually unlimited now, the good old apache/mod_php have been replaced with the latest nginx/php-fpm, fast and secure. More site updates will follow during November (engine upgrade, "smarter" caching, background jobs, git versioning etc). For now I have doubled the maximum file size for uploads — could have set any value for that matter, but I guess 16M should be enough in most cases
Please let me know if you spot any bug, a "bad gateway" message, any strange behavior, anything.
Send reports to shytan at buzztunes dot org.
Submitted by Shytan
If you are planning for some new facilities or options, what i need more and more in the last time is to increase the list with latest comments.
Now is possible to view only the latest 5 comments, it would be nice getting the latest 15..20 comments.
Maybe keep the home page as it is and add a button/option on the main menu for viewing latest 15..20..30 comments.
I think is very useful and educational to read the comments of other artists.
Ciao. Paolo BHS.
P.S. I know, I know, I am a bit boring with this request ...